Numbas is an open-source system for creating SCORM-compliant exams which run entirely in the browser, developed by Newcastle University's School of Maths and Stats.
Can be run on anything that has a web browser.
Compatible with IE8+, Firefox 3+, Chrome, Safari, Opera, iPhone, Android, etc.
Implemented entirely in client-side javascript - requires no plugins, no installation on client's machine, no communication with servers.
Interacts with LMSs such as Blackboard and Moodle through SCORM. Very detailed session data are recorded.
Extensive support for questions of a mathematical nature; answers to questions can be mathematical expressions.
Mathematics display is pure LaTeX, using MathJax.
Rich content such as videos, interactive graphs easily added.
Questions can be fully randomised.
Write questions using simple markup with any text editor.
Easily extensible.
How it works
Download and extract Numbas package: contains source files and Python scripts to compile exams.
Write exam: plain text file in a JSON-like format, with Textile/HTML for content markup. Shouldn't be any harder than writing a LaTeX document.
Compile exam: creates directory or zip file containing standalone exam. Ready to run straight-away.
Upload to LMS for session tracking, or run standalone.