Find commits in git repositories under this directory since the given date.
Used to compile the list of changes for the Numbas development log.
python recent_changes.py 2023-10-01
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
import re
import subprocess
ignore_dirs = ['node_modules', 'media']
def find_git_directories(p):
if (p / '.git').exists():
yield p
for sp in p.iterdir():
if (not sp.is_dir()) or sp.name.startswith('.') or sp.name in ignore_dirs:
yield from find_git_directories(sp)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('date', help="Date to list commits since")
args = parser.parse_args()
git_directories = sorted(find_git_directories(Path()))
for d in git_directories:
def run(cmd, **kwargs):
return subprocess.run(cmd, cwd=d, encoding='utf-8', capture_output=True, **kwargs)
origin = run(['git','remote','get-url','origin']).stdout.strip()
origin_url = re.sub(r'^\w+@([^:]+):(.*?)(.git)?$', r'https://\1/\2', origin)
commits = run(['git','log',f'--since="{args.date}"', '--oneline', f'--pretty=format:%as\n %cn\n\t%s\n\t{origin_url}/commit/%h\n','--reverse'], env={'GIT_PAGER': ''}).stdout
if commits:
contributors = set(run(['git','log','--pretty=format:%cn',f'--since="{args.date}"']).stdout.split('\n'))
Contributors: {', '.join(sorted(contributors))}