Computable categories
So I read a bit about categories after Peter Hines came up to talk to us.
A category
An arrow has a single source object and a single target object, and is written
The composition operation joins up pairs of arrows when possible and a category is closed under arrow composition, so if
Arrow composition is associative, so
A functor
Groups and categories
Any group can be thought of as a category – there is one object, and the arrows are the group elements. You could associate to each element
Suppose you have two groups. You can make a category with them both in, just by taking the disjoint union of the respective individual categories. If you have a homorphism between the two groups, you can add that in as an arrow and everything still works – if you have
If you have another arrow going the other way from
One of the things I was going to look at next was other kinds of group extensions apart from Bass-Serre graphs of groups. If I phrase the computability stuff in terms of categories, then all you have to do is say what the homomorphisms are and I can construct a computable function representing the group.
Computable categories
So I need to define a computable category.
A category
- There is an
-decidable indexing of the objects. - There is an
-decidable indexing of the arrows. - There are
-computable functions and associating with each arrow its source and terminal objects. - There is an
-computable composition function satisfying .
All of
Given two
So, my first task will be to rewrite the index for the free group in this category language, which should carry across directly. Then, for any finitely-presented group